제2회 국립생태원 연구논문 공모전
국내·외 자연생태 연구 우수논문 발굴·선정하여 국립생태원 학술지 PNIE(국립생태원회보)*에 논문 게재를 추진하고자
* PNIE: Proceedings of the National institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea (pnie.koar.kr/)
구분 |
인원수 |
상금 |
상장 |
국내 |
국외 |
최우수상 |
1명 |
1명 |
200만원 |
환경부장관상 |
우수상 |
2명 |
2명 |
100만원 |
국립생태원장상 |
장려상 |
2명 |
2명 |
50만원 |
국립생태원장상 |
※ 1) 각 등급에 해당하는 적격자가 없을 경우 선정되지 않을 수 있음
3) 대표응모자(제1저자)에게 상금 지급
- 접수기간 : 2022년 3월 1일(화) ~ 7월 31일(일) 24시까지
※ 일정은 변동될 수 있으며, 변동 시 홈페이지를 통해 공지 드립니다.
- 1인당 제출 건수 제한은 없음
지적재산권 등 관련 분쟁시 모든 책임은 응모자에게 있음
The First National Institute of Ecology Competition for Research Papers
National Institute of Ecology (NIE) is holding the 2nd NIE Competition for Research Papers to discover and
select excellent papers from research or natural and ecology for Korea and abroad and publish them in PNIE.
We invite many researchers to participate in the competition.
* PNIE: Proceedings of the National institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea (pnie.koar.kr/)
● Eligibility
- Students(Undergraduate or Graduate school) and researchers in the field of natural ecology in Korea and abroad
※ No limit on the submission number of manuscripts.
● How to apply
- Submit a Microsoft Word document (.docx) for the paper written in English
※ refer to the paper writing guide. (Guide file download : bit.ly/3qn88L4)
● Competition subjects
- Research related to overall ecology on Ecological conservation and assessment, Climate change, Invasive alien species,
Ecological information, Eco-mimicry technology, Ecological environment policy, Ecosystem services, Ecogenetics,
and Physiological ecology etc.
● Selection
- The winners will be determined from the order of the highest score by the judging committee.
● Evaluation criteria
- Creativity of research subject, logic and appropriateness of content development and research method, credibility of research data, applicability of research results, etc.
● Awards
Title |
Number of Persons |
Prizes |
Awarded by |
Domestic |
International |
Grand Award |
1 person |
1 person |
2 million won |
Minister of Environment Award |
Excellent Award |
2 person |
2 person |
1 million won |
NIE Award |
Participation Award |
2 person |
2 person |
500 thousand won |
NIE Award |
※ 1) No award winner may be selected if there is no qualified paper for each class.
2) Prize money is paid after deducting the withholding tax (to be paid by the winner).
3) Prize money is paid to the representative applicant (first author).
● Schedule
- Contest period : March 1 – July 31, 2022 (Korean standard time)
※ This is tentative schedule and if it changes, it will be notified through the website.
● Documents to be submitted
- 1 copy of the original paper, 1 copy of plagiarism test certificate (Similarity Check-Crossref, Copy Killer, etc.)
● How to submit
- Submit through the website (www.nie-thesiscontest.com)
● Notes
- Any paper whose subject or format is not suitable for competition may be excluded from the review.
- All submitted documents will not be returned, and the award winning works will be published in the Proceedings
of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea after additional review based on PNIE regulations.
- If any submitted article has been once published in another journal or if any misconduction has been detected,
the award will be canceled and the prize money must be returned. If there is a dispute related to intellectual
property rights, the applicant must take full responsibility.
● Inquiry
- Contact Email : pse@thinkcontest.com