



Communication Arts 2006 Design and Advertsising Annuals
제품/패키지 마감

2006-01-20 ~ 2006-06-20

전체대상,일반인,대학(원) 생
Communication Arts Magazine

다운로드  양식다운로드 공모전 홈페이지
[Interactive Media] The most prestigious design competition for interactive media. 마감일: January 20, 2006 지원서 다운로드 http://www.commarts.com/CA/download/entryForm_interactive.pdf 참가비 : $100 (U.S.) per Web site entry and $125 (U.S.) per disk-based entry. There are no Categories A — Advertising interactive ad, point of sale kiosk, sales presentation, Web site, etc. B — Business product/service demonstration, training, catalog, internal/external communications, Web site, etc. E — Entertainment games, programs, books, music, etc. I — Information Design educational program, museum/exhibition guide, public service, Web site, etc. S — Self-Promotion sales promotion, including Web sites, for designers, art directors and vendors who provide creative services, art schools that offer courses in visual communications, design and advertising club promotions, etc. [Illustration] The best work in drawing, painting, collage, electronic and three-dimensional illustration. 마감일: March 13, 2006 지원서 다운로드 : 2006년 가능 Illustration Annual Categories/Fees These categories are judged by the illustration jury and will appear in the 2006 Illustration Annual: Advertising: $25 single entry/$50 series Books: $25 single entry/$50 series Editorial: $25 single entry/$50 series For Sale: $25 single entry/$50 series Institutional: $25 single entry/$50 series Self-Promotion: $25 single entry/$50 series Unpublished: $25 single entry/$50 series [Photography] The best photography used for advertising, design, editorial and any other area of the communication arts. 마감일: March 13, 2006 지원서 다운로드 : 2006년 가능 Photography Annual Categories/Fees These categories are judged by the photography jury and will appear in the 2006 Photography Annual: Advertising: $25 single entry/$50 series Books: $25 single entry/$50 series Editorial: $25 single entry/$50 series For Sale: $25 single entry/$50 series Institutional: $25 single entry/$50 series Self-Promotion: $25 single entry/$50 series Unpublished: $25 single entry/$50 series [Advertising] The best in consumer and institutional print ads along with posters, television and radio commercials. 마감일: June 2, 2006 지원서 다운로드 : 2006년 가능 Advertising Annual Categories/Fees These categories are judged by the advertising jury and will appear in the 2006 Advertising Annual: Consumer Magazine Advertising: $30 single entry/$60 series Consumer Newspaper Advertising: $30 single entry/$60 series Trade/Institutional Advertising: $30 single entry/$60 series Poster/Advertising: $30 single entry/$60 series Sales Promotion/Advertising: $30 single entry/$60 series Self-Promotion: $30 single entry/$60 series Television Advertising: $80 single entry/$160 series Radio Advertising: $80 single entry/$160 series Online Advertising: $80 single entry/$160 series Public Service: $30 single entry/$60 series Integrated Campaign: $200 Non-Traditional Advertising : $30 single entry/$60 series [Design] The largest and most eminent of all juried competitions in graphic design. 마감일: June 2, 2006 지원서 다운로드 : 2006년 가능 Design Annual Categories/Fees These categories are judged by the graphic design jury and will appear in the 2006 Design Annual: Audio/Visual Packaging: $30 single entry/$60 series Packaging/Labeling: $30 single entry/$60 series Identity: $30 single entry/$60 series Letterhead: $30 single entry/$60 series Company Literature: $30 single entry/$60 series Poster/Design: $30 single entry/$60 series Editorial: $30 single entry/$60 series Books & Jackets: $30 single entry/$60 series Self-Promotion: $30 single entry/$60 series Motion Graphics: $80 single entry/$160 series Public Service: $30 single entry/$60 series Environmental Graphics: $60 series Miscellaneous/Design: $30 single entry/$60 series 주소 : 2006 Interactive Annual 12 Communication Arts 110 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025-1107 U.S.A. (Via United States Mail, FedEx, UPS, etc. Entrants submitting from outside the U.S. please use an international courier)

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